Tests Are Inadequate At issue are automobile inspections in 75 metropolitan areas that fail to meet Federal smog standards in 22 states.
Also, the automobile inspection and maintenance program needs to be expanded, to include diesel cars and to crack down on violators whose emissions stickers are outdated.
In addition to "downsizing" government, he said, the Republican majority will look at making some state functions private, like running jails and possibly automobile inspections.
"We've had visitors from China looking at our automobile inspection and pollution-monitoring systems," she said.
As an example, if each year an owner goes for automobile inspection two weeks before the last possible date, the state gains approximately 4 percent of the annual fee.
Other changes include mandatory car pooling for millions of commuters, beginning in 1995; longer and more elaborate automobile inspections and stricter controls on industrial air pollution.
Even after making the necessary upgrades, Mr. Pascale said he would have to find $60,000 to buy new emissions testing equipment to make automobile inspections.
But New Jersey has been told it cannot add to its list until it resolves an air-quality issue involving automobile inspections.
A far broader number of garages will now be permitted to conduct repairs for the strict automobile inspection that the Japanese call the "shaken."
These can include requirements for increased automobile inspections or less-polluting gasoline mixtures.