Additional fees on automobile purchases, registration and driving fees.
The Commerce Department reported on Friday that retail sales rebounded 1.1 percent in September, driven largely by automobile purchases and surging gasoline prices.
For years, credit unions took insured deposits and made loans to their members, typically for automobile purchases, education costs and home repairs.
We began to do a lot of business with car factories in Europe and became known for our handling of overseas automobile purchases.
Onlookers enjoyed this new form of racing and often made automobile purchases based on car models and brands in the race.
Place a large and progressive tax on automobile purchases, based on fuel efficiency.
Rebounding automobile purchases and surging gasoline prices gave retail sales a strong 1.1 percent gain in September, the Government said today.
Those practices, as well as his autonomy, drew criticism well before he came under fire for the automobile purchase.
They say they are optimistic that more drivers will decide to lease a car for personal use instead of financing an automobile purchase.
"Harassing phone calls, illegal automobile purchases, rumors about my daughter . . ." He sat up a little straighter.