Police and soldiers and spectators twisted and fell, and bullets shattered automobile windows and pierced gas tanks.
One wall is a sliding sheet of plate glass that descends to the basement the way an automobile window does.
Two radio stations in alliance with the rebels continued to broadcast, and their programs, including broadcasts from Manila, could be heard from storefronts and automobile windows.
Marie rose and looked through the automobile windows.
THE sign mounted on the ship's quarter deck is typically sold for use in automobile windows.
Replies: Parts of the body closest to automobile windows receive the most ultraviolet radiation.
He was about to start up the short path to the front entrance when Stoltz spoke through the automobile window.
As the car drove away, The Shadow saw the bewhiskered face of Mayor Wrightley at the automobile window.
The effect was comic, and Canfield found himself nearly smiling except that the face in the automobile window was now in his direct line of sight.
Although automobile windows can be tinted to screen out UV rays, how does an X.P. sufferer safely get to and from a car?