Today, situated near two automotive giants, Aamco, the transmission concern, and Maaco, the body works company.
But acknowledging that times have changed, the new president of the automotive giant says his No. 1 priority is to dispose of unprofitable components-manufacturing operations.
One of the fist tasks for the small automaker was to make its capital work harded in the face of competition with the automotive giants.
Because the client, one of the big three automotive giants, didn't want a woman writer on the account.
A G.M. official said the automotive giant had not yet decided how to deal with the ruling.
By the same relative standards, Czechoslovakia is one of the automotive giants, as well as a leader in nuclear power.
Neither man has commented on their connection to the automotive giant in the context of the Olympic controversy.
Jaguar is far smaller than the Detroit automotive giants.
This type of legislation might be expected to meet horrified outcries about excess burden from the automotive giants of Germany.
Another automotive giant approached Newsom for public relations help as well.