Regular exercise training is also thought to modify cardiac autonomic control.
It is often discussed as having an inherent intelligence or even implicitly autonomic control, but those are largely aspirations or analogies rather than technical descriptions.
Other inputs related to the subjective components of pain and related to motor and autonomic control are also relayed to higher centers.
These neurons then regulate the autonomic control of the heart and blood vessels.
We believe the whole phenomenon involves a mixture of conscious and autonomic control, somewhat similar to our own breathing process.
Additionally, patients with Holmes-Adie Syndrome can also experience problems with autonomic control of the body.
CCHS causes patients to lose autonomic control of breathing, resulting in the need to consciously initiate every breath.
An exception to this is Ondine's curse, where autonomic control is lost.
The "rebellion" workers occupied the local administration and established an autonomic control for four days.
IST is thought to be due to abnormal autonomic control.