These features are known as the autonomic symptoms.
However, cluster headaches usually last longer (up to three hours), occur less often (three to five attacks per day), and do not accompany cranial autonomic symptoms.
Some experience "autonomic symptoms" (related to increased activity of the autonomic nervous system) such as nausea, vomiting and pallor.
In the spinal patients, the maximum distension volume was taken to be either when the patients experienced autonomic symptoms or when the balloon was expelled automatically.
(1) Onset of seizures is mainly with autonomic symptoms, which are not occipital lobe manifestations.
The significant increase in plasma vasopressin may explain the emetic autonomic symptoms.
Migraines typically present with self-limited, recurrent severe headache associated with autonomic symptoms.
The autonomic symptoms of high anxiety such as headache, giddiness, chest pain, palpitations, sweating, abdominal pain respond well.
Cranial autonomic nervous symptoms occur with painful exacerbations in 21%, and cutaneous allodynia may be present in 26%.
If nicotonic receptors of the autonomic ganglia or adrenal medulla are blocked, these drugs may cause autonomic symptoms.