The autonomous person also 'recognizes the limitations to autonomy, that emotional interdependence is inevitable'.
She proposed that a woman should be treated as a dignified autonomous person, with control over their body, as Kant suggested.
Parents' opinion would not carry significant weight because the parents are not in any better position to know what's best for the baby as an autonomous person.
An autonomous person is one who is self-legislating and self-determining.
In the case of the fully autonomous person, authority and responsibility go hand in hand.
You are the most autonomous person I've ever seen and you don't let anything into that.
In order for this to operate effectively, he argues that the social system must be such that power is distributed across a society of highly autonomous persons.
Like the researchers in the aforementioned study, marketers "motivate" us to do things no autonomous person would do, all for their own benefit.
That is, an autonomous person acts morally solely for the sake of doing "good", independently of other incentives.
The National Bank of Moldova is a legal, public, autonomous person responsible to the Parliament.