It must have been about eleven o'clock; but the autumn haze still prevented them from seeing much in other directions.
Beyond where the Thames tided slumberously seaward showed the roofs of Royal Windsor, the castle towers showing through the autumn haze.
The lines on his face were deep-cut today, harsh despite the muting of the afternoon light by the warm autumn haze.
Seen together, across Duke Ellington Circle or the Harlem Meer in Central Park, through a pale autumn haze that makes them appear far taller than they are, they inspire a gasp of recognition, recalling their lost cousins downtown.
Sort of like we are seeing it through an autumn haze.
It's shown in sable but also comes in that 1950's shade of mink called autumn haze.
Beyond, the world lay carpeted by autumn haze, red and ochre and brown; and from the unleaved trees of the woods near the river, Jenny could Dragonsbane 339 see a single thread of smoke rising, far off on the evening wind.
The day was lovely, full of blue, sweet autumn hazes.
And you're quiet in the dreamy autumn haze.
In my hometown, we had a glorious autumn - Indian-summer days, trees aflame with color, the distances smoky with an autumn haze.