It is always the same picture, depicting an autumn landscape ("with or without a grouse") on which the sun never sets.
The sudden snows of early winter had come and draped the autumn landscape in white.
It was a beautiful autumn landscape in Quogue that day, as if the subdivision had never been invented.
Set in a world of autumn landscapes, a young man, the Romantic, falls out of love with his girlfriend.
Katie leaned her forehead against the grimy window and stared out at the sere autumn landscape.
But it is not just scientists who are concerned about the changing autumn landscape.
There are 1.75 million Christmas trees growing on his 2,500-acre farm here, whole valleys of green that stand out sharply against the gray autumn landscape.
But it is not just scientists who have a stake in the changing autumn landscape.
Images of winter and summer follow the autumn landscapes.
In the second spot, a mother, father and son are seen running through a blissful, suburban autumn landscape.