Well, parking lots and houses drive out native species, as do monocultures like lawns and exotic imports like the autumn olive and the multiflora rose.
Then Mr. Swain explains how exotic species like Norway maples, autumn olive and purple loosestrife are choking out the natives.
Pick the tart scarlet berries of Elaeagnus umbellata (autumn olive) to make yummy jam packed with anti-oxidant lycopene; www.foodista.comwww.foodista.com has a recipe.
Among the worst culprits are Oriental bittersweet, garlic mustard, autumn olive, the common reed and multiflora rose.
Another is autumn olive, another Norway maple.
Yet one visit to a woodland region where garlic mustard, or autumn olive, or burning bush has taken over is usually sufficient to raise some questions.
And another, autumn olive.
Grazing ended in 2003 when demolition started, and the open areas are now growing up into shrubs such as autumn olive and honeysuckle.
Mr. Rutnik hopes his new autumn olives will bring grouse.
Landowners creating a wildlife habitat may choose a package consisting of 25 each of hemlock, Norway spruce, silky dogwood and autumn olive.