Cool autumn weekends bring blankets, blue jeans, and spirited football games.
Pelé ignited a romance with soccer that, in its children's version, has become a ritual of suburban autumn weekends.
In one autumn weekend, the mill juices over half a million apples and can produce 300 gallons of cider an hour.
Hence, a cautionary Web tale, or: how not to spend a beautiful autumn weekend.
Just over 50 years ago, my late wife and I used to drive down from Montreal to this area on autumn weekends.
It was the second night of Navratri, a religious festival that celebrates the Indian harvest over five autumn weekends.
Particularly on autumn weekends, reservations are necessary.
Like football fans on autumn weekends, many players were planning to do little else in their spare time over the next five weeks.
Many people would make the drive to the area from New York City, causing massive traffic jams on autumn weekends.
There is a comforting rhythm to Midwestern life on these autumn weekends.