The pale-pink mountains were smiling through the mists beneath the autumnal sun.
Meanwhile, I was scarcely more animate than the two old trees that cast faint shadows on the pavement in the wan autumnal sun.
Then they leaped up again to find a spot in which to enjoy the last of the warm autumnal sun.
The dog came out and leaned against him, both wallowing in the autumnal sun.
He wrote of "a glorious prairie spreading out beneath the golden beams of an autumnal sun.
And despite having been here for 442 years, Portugual's legacy is waning like an autumnal sun.
From midafternoon until the red autumnal sun crashed into the marsh grass, we had a ferocious time with redfish, or channel bass, up to eight pounds.
An autumnal sun for Debierue's declining years.
Under the management of former team-mate Alan Curbishley, Mortimer often played excepetionally well in the autumnal sun but then suffer hamstring and back injuries.
No deep and autumnal southern sun ripened its grapes; no pungent vat housed it before it was bottled.