Live performances - which are rare - either consist of just Steve with a laptop and a few auxiliary instruments or comprise a small 'chamber' group of musicians from other acts on the Drift Records roster.
On December 21, 1960, the reactor was shut down for maintenance, calibration of the instruments, installation of auxiliary instruments, and installation of 44 flux wires to monitor the neutron flux levels in the reactor core.
Michael Vetter and Natascha Nikeprelevic (voices and auxiliary instruments).
The koudounia later, became an auxiliary musical instrument.
They are shells from the sea, which become auxiliary musical instruments with the appropriate processing.
The ensemble consists of snare drums, a series of pitched bass drums, quints, cymbals, and various pit instruments, including marimba, xylophone, vibraphone, timpani and other auxiliary instruments.
Joanna Bailie & Matthew Shlomowitz - auxiliary instruments.
Though most often used for practicing purposes, pocket trumpets are sometimes played as auxiliary instruments by soloists in jazz and dixieland bands, as well as for some specific studio recording demands.
Conversely, auxiliary instruments were moved to angled bezels in the centre console, further from the driver's line of sight than before.
The mission of most spacecraft is unrelated to gathering information about the space environment for research or applications, but some of these other spacecraft have carried auxiliary instrument or had some part of their primary payload used for space weather.