For some women, available sizes of cervical caps do not provide a correct fit.
Roller mills are efficient, using about half the energy of a ball mill, and there seems to be no limit to the size available.
Its special cyberspace hook is to focus on large and tall sizes not commonly available.
The sizes available are 1in, 1 in, 2in, 3in, and 4in, and prices range from around £1.99 to £7.19.,.
The smallest size available is 32 and largest 20/0.
"Morris County is very desirable now, but there is no real space of any size available," he said.
Apart from the different sizes available the packaging of ceramic wall tiles is confusing, to say the least.
The available sizes range from European 35 to as large as 52.
There are several sizes available in both cotton and nylon.
The 32-note sheet of uncut currency is the largest size available.