Details, established in 1982, initially covered Manhattan's downtown scene, with regular columns on clubs and avant-garde fashion.
The combination of avant-garde fashion and 18th-century décor has been a hit.
In a sense, it began to do so with "Cutting Edge," a 1997 show of avant-garde fashion that drew 230,000 visitors.
This is not an accusation of copying, but a recognition that avant-garde fashion must be interpreted if it is to have an impact.
Bergdorf's had been known for more avant-garde fashion looks before it opened its new store, but that category has moved slowly this season.
The bandage over her eye, the condition of her hair, all might be part of some avant-garde fashion on a world he had never visited.
Deconstructionist designers are the pit bulls of avant-garde fashion.
Tokyo may be the capital of avant-garde fashion.
The result was a voyeuristic, visually-rich narrative that played in what some considered an avant-garde fashion.
In the 70's he began traveling to Europe and discovered avant-garde fashion.