This is a skillfully stylized, successfully avant-garde one-act play, even if the symbolism become so dense that it's hard to see straight.
It was known for its eclectic repertory of classics and avant-garde plays, including Mr. Lassalle's.
Then Bob Crowley, the designer, replaces her tiny, austere dressing room with the impressionistic stage set of what appears to be a somewhat avant-garde play.
He was the executive producer of this company, which produced avant-garde and original plays.
It sounds liks the title of an avant-garde play.
That evening, Faith sat cross-legged in the corner, reading some avant-garde play she'd borrowed from an actor downstairs.
We're going to an avant-garde play in Exeter that Pip has produced with her group.
But when he walks into a Government office, he is likely to overhear workers talking about fertilizer and farm animals, not beaches or the latest avant-garde play.
During the 1927-1928 season she abandoned her opera career and began working as a dramatic actress at that house in avant-garde plays directed by Jiří Frejka.
During which time she wrote a number of avant-garde plays and movement pieces which were variously produced in England and Ireland.