Hassan is described as a religious but avaricious man.
According to contemporary Armenian sources, he was a greedy and avaricious man.
As far as I'm concerned, you are a small number of repellently avaricious men, and so I take leave to tell you!
Her reasoning was sound; the avaricious man slid the rest of the way down the rope and virtually dove into the room.
Bowers was a cold, bitter, avaricious man, but he knew a great deal about voices.
"I'm afraid it'll turn you into a mean, avaricious man, and we will have to disown you."
"He was a man black in heart, without culture or religion, violent, avaricious and cold."
This was the multi-million dollar hospital built merely to line the pockets of a few avaricious men.
Suffered at the hands of the brutal, avaricious white man, and we shall be justly recompensed and set free!
Blade was not an avaricious man and so did not have to cloak it, but nonetheless he hooded his eyes.