New York Avenue is one of the diagonal avenues radiating from the White House in Washington, D.C.
It is one of the diagonal avenues radiating from the White House, and the segment south of Florida Avenue was one of the original streets in Pierre (Peter) Charles L'Enfant's's plan for Washington.
It was as though he existed within a globe with avenues radiating away in all directions ... yet this only approximated the sensation.
It spread out below them, circular, the avenues radiating from a central plaza like spokes from the hub of a wheel.
One of the twelve grand avenues radiating away from the Arc de Triomphe; also part of Haussman's design.
There was a large central plaza, with avenues radiating from it like the spokes of a wheel; and there were other avenues forming concentric circles spaced equidistant from one another between the central plaza and the high outer wall of the city.
Eastern Parkway and the newer Ocean Parkway were conceived as the first two in what Olmsted and Vaux intended to be a series of grand, wooded avenues radiating outward from Prospect Park in Brooklyn, linking it to other parks in the borough and beyond.
It formed one of a number of such avenues radiating from Wanstead House.
The design, supervised by Charles Weston, Canberra's first Superintendent of Parks and Gardens, was to emphasise the vistas along the six avenues radiating from the hill and reinforce the focus that Griffin placed on the hill as forming part of the Parliamentary triangle.