I was just saying that it's easier for me than it would be for your average Englishman.
In the Waterloo period there was a general rough-and-tumble athleticism among average Englishmen.
What average Englishman, moreover, with less than three hundred a year ever took thought for the future, even in Early Victorian days?
In India the most interesting thing to us was the amazing snobbishness of the average Englishman.
Mind you, some of them can buy and sell the average Englishman, Oxford and all that, and they've learned to fit into the finest clubs.
Public sector spending on the average Scot is £2,000 a year more than on the average Englishman.
The Arab corruption of the average Englishman was criminal.
She used her face and hands much more than the average Englishman, though perhaps not more than the average Italian.
To this day, to the average Englishman, the French Revolution means no more than a pyramid of severed heads.
In these the average Englishman does not participate.