Snowfall in the region averaged just above 10 inches, compared with last season's 53.4.
She said daily session ratings given by participants were "very high," averaging above four on a scale of one to five.
Wages in both countries average above $10 an hour.
In 2009 and 2010, the hospital averaged a 70 percent early diagnosis rate of breast cancer, 10 percentage points above the national average.
In Tests he averaged above 80 with 488 runs.
In the first week of January, for example, the funds rate averaged above 7 percent.
Trackers now average three percentage points above base rates, where once it was half a point.
Rates averaged 15.16 percent, one-quarter of a point above the 1999 average.
In its championship season, attendance averaged slightly above 3,000 per game.
Both players averaged above 90 in a match that would go down as a classic.