Our average acceleration was ten gees.
However, if the ramjet has an average acceleration of 0.1 m/s, then it needs 100 years to go as fast, and so on.
Dirt cars have low top speed, high handling, high braking, and average acceleration.
Truck Series cars have high top speed, average acceleration, low handling, and moderate braking.
The average acceleration is change of velocity divided by time elapsed to stop the penny.
It is a simplified version of Langevin dynamics and corresponds to the limit where no average acceleration takes place during the simulation run.
The new high-end magnetic suspension system enables the ZR1 to deliver great handling and grip to achieve 1.10 g of average lateral acceleration.
Furthermore, the recoil from such a weapon would propel its user through the air with an average acceleration of--" "Data, Data!
(The actual average sea-level acceleration on Earth is slightly less.)
My average acceleration is now 3.6 standard gravities.