He wrote them $39,600 in bad checks on an account that had an average balance of $60.
In 1970, the average balance on credit cards was $649.
There are about 12.5 million outstanding home mortgages in the country, with an average balance of $56,300.
For example, if the difference between cards was 5 percent, on an average balance of $500, the difference would be $25 a year.
The average balance of the eighteen years prior was $54 million.
Some will offer free transactions for maintaining a very high average balance in their account.
After the first year, the accounts had an average monthly balance of approximately $800.
For example, the average balance on bank credit cards increased more than 50 percent from 1987 to 1992.
It was a pretty standard design, average balance, nothing spectacular.
There are no charges if the average balance is £3,000 or more.