In particular, these may include objects positioned against strong back lighting, in which case the objects details become too dark, since the camera adjusts itself to the high average brightness.
December and January are the darkest months with about 45% average brightness.
The brightest objects are of course the lights themselves, but wide shots also include the darker areas which reduce the average brightness of the scene.
That the stars are of uniform average brightness through all of space.
Assumption 3, that galaxies (not stars) are of uniform average brightness throughout space, is harder to handle.
An area of the nucleus equal in size to the full Moon would have an average brightness only 1/200,000 of the full Moon.
Each video clip in the database holds 10 parameters, including location, subject matter, average brightness, contrast, the type of space, the type of camera motion, and several more.
Another form of animal camouflage uses bioluminescence to increase the average brightness of an animal to match the brightness of the background.
One can prolong the dark periods and thus darken the image; therefore the effective and average brightness are equal.
Dr. Sandage is trying to settle the issue with difficult and highly refined observations of the average brightness of the image of a galaxy.