Nonetheless, there is more than one pattern of results which could produce a significant average correlation between risk and recall.
For purposes of comparison these figures are also given as correlated averages rather than the average correlations which were reported previously.
If the average correlation between variables is not high, then the CFI will not be very high.
In 1997, the average correlation was 0.49, near its high in the 1970's.
It can only be determined that the average correlation of neighbour spins is antiferromagnetic.
Therefore, the variance of the mean of a large number of standardized variables is approximately equal to their average correlation.
Next, we set out to show that homologs did not account for the increase in the number of gene groups with higher than expected average correlations.
They found that the average correlation between these stocks increased at the same rate as market stresses.
In finance, correlation trading is a strategy in which the investor gets exposure to the average correlation of an index.
Scaled correlation is defined as average correlation across short segments of data.