The average cycle takes 28 days, but 21 to 35 days is considered normal for women in their 20s and 30s.
This process, known as the LH surge, starts around day 12 of the average cycle and may last 48 hours.
The average menstrual cycle is 28-32 days.
Ovulation occurs about midway through an average menstrual cycle, which usually spans 28 days in length.
The average seasonal cycle for any given number of years is determined by a curve fit to the years included in the average.
The program issues up to six commemorative stamps per year, and new definitive stamps are issued on an average cycle of five years.
They need to be aware of factors such as the average call cycle needed to make a sale, competitors and any unusual conditions in the territory.
The black line with the square symbols represents the same, after correction for the average seasonal cycle.
The average menstrual cycle is 28 to 32 days.
The average human menstrual cycle is 28 days although no link has been established with the nightlighting and the Moon.