Alternatives such as average absolute deviation and semivariance have been advanced for measuring financial risk.
Sometimes pixel noise as the average deviation from the array average under different illumination and temperature conditions is specified.
The average absolute deviation from the mean is less than or equal to the standard deviation; one way of proving this relies on Jensen's inequality.
It is algebraically simpler though practically less robust than the average absolute deviation.
The census enumerated population of each district was within 1% of 931,349 with an average deviation of 0.449%.
Inequality, then, refers to deviations of the r from 1.0; the greater the average deviation, the greater the inequality.
If the average deviation is to vanish, the total polarization summed over the two types of inclusion must vanish.
The average standard deviation of day to day variability, calculated as the difference from the appropriate weekly mean, equals 0.38 ppm for the entire record.
The authors found an average absolute deviation of 10.6% against their database of experimental data.
Fourth, we used 25,000 cycles and repeated the analysis 10 times, calculating average and standard deviation of all runs.