Since 1991, when the first of the drugs was still relatively new, the average dose given to dialysis patients in this country has nearly tripled.
The institute said the average dose to all Americans from the fallout was 2 rads to the thyroid.
Four to six hours for an average dose.
Four buttons is the average dose for a beginner.
The exposures contemplated for the public would be small relative to the average dose received from natural sources, perhaps 10 times as large, experts say.
Most (82 percent) of the average annual dose in the 1987 study originated from "background" radiation.
This resulted in an average dose of 1.4 mrem to the two million people near the plant.
The average extra dose to flight personnel is 2.19 mSv/year.
He said the daily cost for an average dose of Zocor was about $2.50.
This term specifies the length of time over which the average dose is calculated.