These averages include all the free apps that are available, pushing the numbers even lower.
His single season increased per-game averages included: 8.0 points, 3.8 rebounds, 1.0 assists as well as 26 more games started.
But this season's average included 49 times that a team scored 10 or more runs compared with 36 last year.
The averages include intensive care units, with one nurse for every one or two patients around the clock.
So each hospital's average includes small numbers of extraordinarily high-cost cases, where patients may have developed complications and had lengthy hospital stays.
That was the very highest end of the scale, if his averages included stars in a single room at one time.
But those averages include some years when stock prices fell.
But they say these figures look better than the reality because the averages include the 401(k) plans of top earners.
The averages do not include add-on fees known as points.
Sometimes, the average also includes the previous period's or the current period's opening price (O):