His average increased to 14.5 and 19.7 points per game in the next two years.
By 2009-10 this national average had increased to $4,917.
His batting average has increased more than 30 points from last season, to .325.
Starting in 1990, this average increased to approximately US$40 million.
The annual average of rains has increased more than 100 mm in the last 50 years.
From 1996 to 2005 the yearly average had increased to over 180,000.
They are holding their cost increases to less than half the national average.
His scoring average during the last three seasons has increased from 8.1 to 10.1 to 15.1 points a game.
However, his batting average would increase after he left the Senators.
The average increased to seventy-two in the years between 1800 and 1809.