Between 0100 and 0600 on an average night only about 12 visits are made across Berkshire.
He is also a wild, funny character who always plays better than you expect on an average night.
On an average night last month, there were 7,198 single adults in the city's shelters systems.
That's still less than most of the bands earn on an average night, but not significantly so.
An average night went more or less like this.
You, for example, probably know how much sleep you need in an average night to feel your best.
On an average night, his men will fix 20 cars between sunset and sunrise.
An average night finds 40 people waiting at least seven hours in the emergency room.
He had 29 in three quarters, that's not exactly an average night.
Let's just say that if you visited this theater, it wouldn't be your average night at movies.