Temperatures are relatively stable through the year, ranging from an average of between 12 and 18 C, with most rain falling in the summer.
The island is tropical humid, with an average of between 18 and 31 C depending on the altitude.
The annual high temperature is an average of 27.7 C and low 13.5 C.
The winters are cold and snowy with an average of 5 C (23 F).
The summer are hot and dry with an average of 25 C (76 F).
Cooler temperatures, with annual averages of 20 C or less, are preferred.
The annual high temperature is an average of 32.3 C and low 14.0 C.
January is the warmest month with an average of 22.5 C (72.5 F).
Summers are hot, with monthly averages of over 77 C (70 F).
The high altitude lowers the temperature slightly to an average of about 20 C (68 F).