As it is, he noted that union members work an average of only 16 weeks a year.
Those who were paid had to wait an average of eight weeks for payment.
In 2006, for instance, workers age 55 or older spent an average of 22 weeks looking for work.
And members worked an average of only 17.4 weeks last year.
The children and their mothers live at these centers for an average of five weeks.
The transfusion-free period lasted for an average of 44 weeks.
She is led into Building 22, where other newly admitted patients are placed under observation for an average of six weeks.
The schedule has grown from about five weeks a year to a recent average of 14 weeks.
Once the local authority gets involved in the search, it takes an average of two to three weeks to complete the process.
This takes an average of 2 to 3 weeks.