If you don't already own them, start dollar cost averaging into them over a six-month period.
Schedule J is used when averaging farm income over a period of three years.
Averaging over an entire orbital period gives a tropical year of 668.5921 sols.
He averaged 9.5 points per game over a 6-year period.
Demand is normally measured in watts, but averaged over a period, most often a quarter or half hour.
The effective data transfer rate may be averaged over a period of seconds, minutes, or hours.
The secondary standard was set at 500 ppb averaged over a 3-hour period, not to be exceeded more than once a year.
It requires an extended observing program to establish the star's true (that is, averaged over a full period) apparent magnitude and color.
Mike and I averaged $9.50 per week over a threemonth period.
Climatology - the study of weather conditions averaged over a period of time.