More than $15,000 is spent on an average pupil in special education, in contrast to $6,000 for children in regular classes.
Primary classrooms are crowded, with average pupil to teacher ratios of 47:1 in 2008.
This project is aimed at average pupils, who at present fail to master our traditional secondary science courses.
Women are judged to be beautiful when they have larger than average pupils and retroussé noses; such babyish features suggest that most of their childbearing years are still ahead.
In the past, the teacher had to address himself to the average pupil in the class.
He was accepted for Shawlands Academy, a school for above average pupils.
Leanne was an average pupil, so her teachers said.
Dr. Lewy said the clear center of the lens was the size of an average pupil.
Any above average pupil will find his own goal, The important thing is not the type of school ,but the quality of education that matters.
He was an average pupil and left school at the age of 15 years to become a teenage reporter on the Penarth Times.