The average raise throughout the company was 2 percent.
The department also reported that union contracts settled in the first quarter gave workers a 3 percent average annual raise over the life of the contract.
The average raise included in teacher contracts signed this spring was 3.9 percent, said Frank Belluscio, a spokesman for the association.
In contrast, the average raise for the 1996-97 school year - negotiated in 1994 - was 5.3 percent.
"At most companies, average performers get an average raise," says Hastings.
What was the average raise throughout the company?
Given that the average teacher's salary in the city is $44,000, the average raise would be $6,600.
The average raise in 1990-91 will be 9.1 percent.
Read on for more details about the average raise.
When the cut was combined with an 11 percent budget increase, taxpayers were asked to accept an average raise of $440 a year in property taxes.