Three oximetry readings were taken while the child was breathing room air and the average reading was used.
Peering groggily at my watches, I decided that an average reading made it about one-forty-five.
Results of a federal study released last week showed that average reading and math scores for 17-year-olds were unchanged from the 1970's.
So, a longer testing period, preferably months, gives a better average reading.
The average reading for the group was 149.
But the actual peak was much higher, engineers said, explaining that the instruments take only average readings.
The average reading in the Board's tests was 10 micrograms per square foot.
Mexican-American and black children, the report found, had average readings that were two to three points greater than those of whites.
In the Michigan study, the patients with borderline hypertension had average readings of 130/93.
The policy dilemma, then, concerns the advice offered to those whose homes have average readings only slightly above the 4 picocurie level.