The averages do not include taxes and fees and reflect all fares, including the deepest discount ones, for eight major domestic airlines.
These averages, naturally, did not reflect variations in population distribution.
These averages, again, reflected "specials" and "superspecials" that might cost as much as $1 million and films made quickly for around $50,000.
The averages reflect a continuing social polarization, as one section of the population prospered and the condition of the low-paid and irregularly employed altered little.
He also said the averages reflected the severe recession in the Northeast.
Similarly, the rolling averages could reflect actual arrival times over one month or longer periods.
Walker's averages of 6.9 points and 7.3 rebounds do not reflect his importance to a front line that while hard-working cannot be described as imposing.
That average reflected both "specials" that might cost as much as $1 million and films made quickly for around $50,000.
Thus, while asset values have dropped, in some cases markedly, the average reflects one or two years when assets were buoyed by robust stock prices.
Private schools have received, on average, 12 percent of the available Federal money, reflecting the percentage of the nation's students that attend private schools.