I never became a good roper, nor more than an average rider, according to ranch standards.
So the average rider is still more likely to get into an R46.
Over the years quick release mechanisms have been adopted as the primary wheel release devices by the average rider.
Amtrak also is a success in ways the average rider cannot see.
He is but an average rider for the guards.
Though I shudder to think how careless the average rider can get,' M'shall said.
The "average" rider in 2005 was 1.79 metres tall, weighed 71 kg, and had a resting heart rate of 50 beats per minute.
"The reality is that the average rider shouldn't and wouldn't reach the bike's full potential."
An average rider usually spends half a year living away from home.
This typically requires the rider to be more fit or skilled than the average rider in order to traverse the same terrain.