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COMET maintained an average throughput between 115 and 310 bits per second, depending on the time of year.
A typical goal is to stabilize all network queues while optimizing some performance objective, such as minimizing average energy or maximizing average throughput.
The average weekly throughput of the two mills was 125 tons per week.
Nevertheless, for large transfers, avian carriers are capable of high average throughput when carrying flash memory devices.
Currently, Transfolha has a monthly average throughput of 5.2 million newspapers, 650,000 magazines and 675,000 e-commerce parcels.
They have an average throughput of 550-900 discs per hour, per moulding line.
It is currently the third largest neutral IXP in Europe in terms of average throughput.
They had an average throughput, every year, of over 90%.
The average daily throughput was 71,284.
Colonial's average throughput increases to an average of 1,584,000 barrels per day.