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In its first year of operation, average daily transactions numbered 7,000 with an annual value of 5 billion pounds sterling.
In 2004, twenty years later, average daily transactions numbered 130,000 with an annual value of 300 billion pounds sterling.
Higher performance means better transaction execution rate and shorter average transaction response time (transaction duration).
The average transaction at Party City doubles in September and October, she said.
They have been only modestly successful in the goal of increasing the size of the average transaction.
"The next key to sales growth for Wal-Mart is to increase the size of the average transaction."
Selling tapes at $25 apiece not only increases the size of the average transaction but also improves cash flow.
The average transaction takes under 30 minutes.
The average transaction would be 2.5 seconds shorter.
The average transaction is expected to be nearly $1 billion.