In 2004, its average usage was 2,645 passengers per day.
The average daily usage of the monorail in 2008 was 9,600 passengers per day.
By restricting participation to a one-time thing, your survey results can give you an average usage per person.
At this time of year, the average usage is about 171 gallons a day per person.
Customers can purchase up to their average usage for the last 12 months, up to 10,000 watts.
His average usage with Randolph in the lineup: 16.2 percent.
"They also have the highest average usage days and daily average number of sessions."
In 2005, its average usage was 21,102 passengers per day.
A block of Internet time that provides eight times the average usage can be purchased for $15.
Business owners must show they have reduced water usage by 15 percent, compared to their previous average usage.