In addition, Godwin co-led the NAVAIR Warfighter Focus Group, which was tasked with balancing near-term and future readiness of the aviation fleet.
A defining new stage in the history of Azerbaijan's civil aviation fleet occurred in the 1970-80s.
Azerbaijan's aviation fleet was among the first to receive the Tupolev Tu-134 and Tu-154 jet planes and Mil Mi-2 and Mi-8 helicopters.
The civil aviation fleet welcomed such aircraft as the Airbus A319, the Airbus A320, the ATR 42-500, and the ATR 72-500.
Its overall and fatal accident rates are one eighth that of the general aviation fleet and include no stall-related accidents.
In addition, the division provides component exchange and loaner programs to both operators and maintainers while supporting business aviation, general aviation and air transport aviation fleets around the globe.
The total number of these smaller jets, Mr. Baseler said, will more than double as a percentage of the world's commercial aviation fleet within 20 years.
The company has built more than 325,000 piston aircraft engines and powers more than half the world's general aviation fleet, both rotary and fixed wing.
After the end of the Second World War, however, Austria was forbidden to possess an aviation fleet, either military or civil.
An effort has been undertaken to certify various synthetic fuels for use in US and international aviation fleets.