The civil aviation minister has recently been propagating the vision of an airport in every district by 2020.
Separatists said they had not met with the nation's aviation minister.
Egypt's civil aviation minister, Wael el-Maadawi, followed by suspending balloon flights nationwide.
Hussain said it was only after the suggestion of Kailashji that the airport was renamed when he had taken charge as the civil aviation minister.
However Theresa Villiers, the aviation minister, defended the Government's record.
The government was shaken last week when the aviation minister was killed, apparently in a plot by other government officials, according to Mr. Karzai.
The civil aviation minister, Praful Patel, said his ministry had started the process, which is subject to approval by Parliament.
Mubarak asked the current aviation minister and former chief of Air Staff Ahmed Shafiq, to form a new government.
The country's aviation minister, Abdul Rahman, was beaten to death at the Kabul airport, allegedly by rivals within the government.
India's civil aviation minister announced the possibility that the plane had been destroyed by a bomb, and the cause was probably some sort of explosion.