The golf course at the Club was lush and green, meticulously maintained by dedicated staff and zealously used by avid members.
Gates is an avid member of the high-power rocketry community, frequently flying large model rockets in California and Nevada.
Wright has a great appreciation for world football and is an avid member of the Juventus fan club.
I count myself among the more avid members of that fraternity, and my wife, Betsey, is no less keen.
Their son, a born-again Christian and an avid member of their Southern Baptist congregation, was not afraid of dying, they said.
The young boy was an avid member of the Boy Scouts of America, through which he gained an appreciation for the outdoors.
He was well liked by the townspeople because he was polite and an avid member of the church.
He was an avid member of the Penn Glee Club during his time at the university.
He is an avid member of Xenophen, and like Philippe Karl petitions against the use of rollkur.
Klaatsch was an avid member of the yearly congress of anthropologists and anatomists, and he spoke at nearly every meeting.