Not one for the kids, who I'm sure are avidly following this live blog.
Since then, his glamorous and, sometimes, violent life was avidly followed by the media.
Except for the period 1924 to 1926, he avidly followed Comintern.
From the women's quarters, eyes avidly followed Roshnani as she walked about.
All this and every other tidbit about the summit meeting has been followed avidly here.
The public hearings, streamed live over the Internet, have been avidly followed.
Van de Velde had been avidly following this conversation, and now he broke in.
Dyersburg residents have been avidly following the trial through newspaper accounts.
The mice came out and waged war on the tin soldiers; he avidly followed the battle.
Even though he was out of contention in the Around Alone, his odyssey has been avidly followed back home.