Baloyne I avoided during this period as much as possible, because my conscience was not clean regarding him.
Local people must also take some care to avoid komodo dragons because komodos in the area occasionally attack and kill humans.
A is for avoiding alcohol because it takes off your edge.
As a result, he reported, three patients who had been scheduled for amputations avoided them entirely because blood flow improved so markedly.
I try to avoid white carbohydrates (white bread, sugar, etc.) because their energising effect is short.
Her spine curved slowly from side to side, not twisting to avoid him but simply because her body needed to move.
The Japanese may avoid explicit objections because politeness demands that the seller does not lose face.
Since then she has been avoiding Haruto because their situation and acting extremely cold towards him.
The inflation of the 1970's focused public attention on ways to avoid taxes because workers were bumped into higher and higher tax brackets.
They did avoid their second last place finish in a row only because the returning Sydney Kings finished with an 8-20 record.