That would allow the company to avoid concerns about having a government-controlled company managing American terminals.
One novel,An Agitator (1894), was described by Eleanor Marx as a realistic account of the British working-class movement, but her other fiction avoided social concerns.
The urban environment provides a large amount of empty rooftop spaces and can inherently avoid the potential land use and environmental concerns.
Admiral Hill said the group avoided larger concerns, adding, "Our purpose is to raise money for John Poindexter, not for Jerry Falwell, not for Richard Viguerie or anyone else."
However, mocking the "spoiled rich women" of the H.W.P.C. for giving "noisy lectures" to Senator Edward Kennedy and for their outrage over campaign finance avoids more compelling concerns surrounding the democratic process.
The combined company, they said, could sell some gas and electricity plants or auction off the output of some of their nuclear power plants to avoid anticompetition concerns.
Political realism avoids concerns with the motives and ideology of statesmen.
In 2003, she accused rival candidates David Courtemanche and Louise Portelance of avoiding public concerns, and speaking in the elitist language of city hall.
Most of the state bills and laws have been worded carefully to try to avoid concerns over the First Amendment, which guarantees freedom of speech.
Furthermore, the structural deficits created by the tax cuts will inevitably sap the vitality of the current recovery, because capital tends to avoid concerns that are fundamentally unsound.