This may have contributed to his success in avoiding confiscation of his remaining lands.
The age of the bells makes them rare in the area and they narrowly avoided confiscation in 1942, during the German occupation.
Given Mr. Klimentyev's run-ins with the law, trying to avoid confiscation seems to be an eminently practical consideration.
Shortly after the prototype flew, aircraft production in Germany was brought to a complete halt by the Allies, and the K 16 was quickly evacuated to the Netherlands to avoid confiscation.
Bermondsey had avoided confiscation, as its head, John de Cusancia, claimed to be Burgundian rather than French.
United States Customs prohibits the importation of fresh foie gras; according to French sources, some American aficionados try to avoid confiscation by having it wrapped as a present.
In practice, Protestant Royalists in Ireland could avoid confiscation by paying fines, while Catholics could not.
Entirely innocent people might admit to lesser offences to avoid confiscation.
In practice, those Protestants who had fought for the Royalists avoided confiscation by paying fines to the Commonwealth regime, but the Irish Catholic land-owning class was utterly destroyed.
She had hired a Swiss investment counselor and a Brazilian lawyer and given them two instructions: to keep her ahead of inflation and to avoid confiscation of assets by communist governments.