The insurance companies, meanwhile, employ a small army charged with figuring out how to avoid covering the unhealthy.
The Commonwealth can avoid covering a legislative "field" by passing an express provision declaring its intention not to do so.
Some have raised concern about risk selection, where insurers find ways to avoid covering people expected to have high health care costs.
The captions usually appear at the bottom of the screen, but can actually be placed anywhere to avoid covering graphics or action.
Seeds need light to germinate, so avoid covering the seeds.
Mr. Clinton continued to avoid covering his head this morning.
Near his death Pio avoided covering his hands and there was no sign of injury.
Borden used language he described as "decorous" and tried to avoid covering issues that would divide his audience.
Avoid covering treated skin areas with tight-fitting, synthetic clothing that doesn't allow air circulation.
Yet private insurers try hard, and often successfully, to avoid covering such expenses.