"Avoided deforestation" refers to reducing greenhouse gas emissions by not clearing forests.
International rules also prohibit credits for some kind of activities, notably from nuclear power and avoided deforestation.
The REDD"+" is more than just avoided deforestation.
Avoided deforestation is the protection of existing forests.
Would it be the Council's view that avoided deforestation would be part of our tools and mechanisms for reducing carbon dioxide emissions?
The financial mechanisms available for protecting water resources, avoiding deforestation and promoting non-polluting technologies should be increased and accessed by the Member States.
They try to run when one talks about carbon sequestration, particularly afforestation and avoided deforestation.
Avoiding deforestation should also be at the core of the EU climate change mitigation strategy, as a highly cost-effective way of reducing greenhouse gas emissions fairly quickly.
Avoiding deforestation can be achieved only by a mix of regulatory approach and market-based instruments.
A specific focus on mechanisms to avoid deforestation and promote sustainable management of forests is crucial.